Thursday, May 1, 2008

Philosophy in Life

I have always wanted to have the greatest adventures in life. I have been hoping that someday all my dreams will come true; even just one of my dreams to be able to motivate myself that I have goals that I give importance and strive to come true. This is such a general idea. If someone would hear my thoughts and dreams, they would say how cliché my dreams are. But how can you state your philosophies in life in the midst of crisis and stand still to achieve your goals? I always get frustrated whenever I try to think of myself of what I really want in life. Perhaps one of the reasons why I feel this way is that I’m still young and still have a long way ahead of me to learn more about life’s adventures and imperfections. Let me enumerate three things that always come in my mind whenever I think of life.

First is respect. Respect comes in different ways in different situations. One kind of respect is how you treat an elder especially your parents. You value their advice whenever you’re in need of assistance and you give them great importance. You can also see respect in seminars where people listen attentively to the speaker. It’s simple but it’s a great deal of respect. A person giving a different point of view on topics or situations can also be a way of respect for others.

There are many more examples of respect that we can name in this world. Giving respect comes, camaraderie. Camaraderie means of course possessing a goodwill and lighthearted rapport among friends. Camaraderie among people can build a lot of advantages that can be very useful throughout our life. A group of people can be productive influence other people to do a job well in a given task and at the same time work in a harmonious atmosphere. You can rely on your friends in times of need and you can also ask advises when you need it.

Happiness is my third philosophy in life. I sometimes admit that I can’t be contented with what I have, the opportunities I get or the luxury of choosing things independently. Happiness in life is relative; it could be happiness of getting the right job, happiness of finding the right love, happiness of giving the best for your loved ones. Like respect, happiness comes in many forms and in can be described by different people.

We all perceive our own philosophies in life; mine are these three philosophies in life that makes me a good human being as a whole. These are the tools I try to use to make a good and positive outlook in life.